Graduation ceremony for ICT students in Adjumani

18 October 2024|Rosette Komuhangi, Communications Officer JRS Uganda

Related: Education, Uganda

On 06th April 2023, 87 learners graduated with a certificate in Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) issued by the Moyo Technical Institute. The training was conducted at the JRS premises in Adjumani in collaboration with the Institute.  

The graduates were made up of refugees, asylum seekers, and members of the host communities. This graduation ceremony was for students from three different intakes who successfully attended the training. Out of 124 students who enrolled for the classes in February, August, and September 2022, 87 successfully completed the training and received a certificate of completion. 

The training ranges from Basic Computer Literacy to Advanced Computer Knowledge. These classes are designed to run for six months. At the end of the training, students are given internal assessments, and certificates of completion are issued for those who succeed. 

This training is part of JRS Adjumani project activities to train secondary school graduates, drop-out youths, and teachers in computer skills to improve and develop their computer knowledge to be competitive in the job market. ICT overlaps with every other sector, making it a versatile field to build a career. ICT also provides excellent career advancement for those who choose it. 

The overall objective of the training is to produce a generation of refugees and host community members who are computer literate. This helps them be updated on what is happening around the world and search for job opportunities online and more advanced school opportunities that, in turn, improve their living standards. 

With funding from the Congregatie Zusters Franciscanessen Alles voor Allen, a fully equipped computer laboratory within the JRS compound was established to make this training possible. The laboratory is equipped with 20 desktop computers, a projector, an internet connection, and air conditioning.  

By the time of graduation, some of the learners were already employed because of the skills and knowledge gained from the training. Others have been hired on contracts as substitute instructors and data entrants.  

Komaa Geofrey a refugee from South Sudan shared his news. 

“Just two days after graduation, I received a telephone call from Juba, offering me to work as the head of the Insurance Commission in South Sudan and I accepted the offer. They said the job requires computer knowledge for proper data records. I am glad that I have the skills they are looking for and I go with the confidence that I will excel at my job. Thank you JRS for making me ‘work-ready’.” 

The numerous tools available for use on computers, such as word processors, spreadsheets, and graphic creation software, will not only help students in any future career they pursue but will also help them get there by being organized and able to work more efficiently. 

At the graduation ceremony, overly joyful Jurugo Jesus, a Ugandan beneficiary had this to say: 

It was a special day in our lives. It is the most significant stage I have passed. With this graduation, I can assure you that this amazing office of the JRS has really changed my life.
Jurugo Jesus, a Ugandan beneficiary

He added:

I have been amazed at the love I have received and the knowledge I have gained that transcends the classroom. I havebeen mentored not only toviewthe worldin a new perspectivebutalsoshown how important it is to do my part in changing the world for the better. I have created relationships and participated in dialogues that will forever change and inspire my life.

Peace Aziza Minalah, a Ugandan beneficiary also had this to say:  

The most memorable day of my life was our graduation at the JRS premises. A day, I believe all of us present will live to remember.  Really, this is the day that I felt like a Star on the red carpet. 

On behalf of my class, I would like to thank each person on the JRS team who has helped us come to this point in our lives where we can walk across this stage having finished six rigorous months of preparation. We are indeed forever grateful for this opportunity.” 

Also, 38 of the learners sat for the National Directory of Industrial Training examination and are waiting for their results. This is a nationally recognized ICT certificate. 


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