Arts and Fashion Bringing Peace to Addis Ababa
30 November 2023|Paula Casado Aguirregabiria

Kifah Nouh Omer is a Peace Artisan.
Kifah (21) is a young Sudanese refugee in Ethiopia. Born and raised in Saudi Arabia, she came to Ethiopia in 2020 with her mother and her two siblings running away from the abuses of her father. Since then, they have been benefiting from JRS services at the Ethiopian capital.
She uses arts and fashion to bring youths together in Addis and promotes values of peace and reconciliation. Kifah trains youths from different nationalities, i.e., South Sudan, Eritrea, Congo… and they perform during signaled days in JRS events, like Women’s Day or International Mental Health Day.
The youths group trained by Kifah perform dramas as well as fashion shows or concerts. There, they tackle topics such as GBV (Gender Based Violence), mental health, youth empowerment, as well as peaceful conflict resolution and peace.
She does not only promote and build peace through the topics they tackle in their artistic performances, but by bringing these youths together into a common space with a common purpose. By creating sch groups, they promote the values of belonging and togetherness, regardless of their countries of origin or religions. And that, combined with her outspoken personality and charismatic relationship with all people, is what makes of Kifah a true Peace Artisan.
Kifah explained us an anecdote that proves this power of working together. For fashion shows, traditionally one female and one man were selected to do the catwalk. However, last year there were two girls who wanted to be the chosen one, what brought lots of tension and conflict among them. Kifah, along with JRS staff, decided to allow both of them to participate in the fashion show together. Having to work closely, spending all that time the two of them together, and having to share that time and space resulted on them becoming good friends. And that is only one example of how her work bring peace and reconciliation.
Kifah wishes for a world free of violence, for her family and for the whole humanity, in order to be able to understand each other and leave “happily ever after”.
Kifah is an example. Her smile fills the room despite of everything she has gone through. Her hard work and kind hand bring people together and brings peace.
Kifah is a Peace Artisan. And you?