A Child Soldier’s Wife Letter to other women
13 March 2025

A Child Soldier’s Wife Letter to other women, and how education is a milestone for women empowerment:
Personally, I believe some of these beloved brother’s wives had chances of going to school in East Africa. Dear sisters, why don’t you take advantage of the peaceful East African countries and study something that you like, there are some nice courses you can do to develop yourself. I know you are raising your children and having other family responsibilities but try to do multitasking.
Life is what you make, could you please think out side the box and come out of your comfort zone? Why don’t you ladies do something for yourself and the society at large? Lovely sisters, education is sweet.The world is advancing rapidly and it needs intellectual mindset, kindly sacrifice for your share. The 21st century doesn’t need social media only but it’s also require smart brain competence.
Jieng said “Thon aci rot lony ke yii col lohi” (Bull cow if you don’t free yourself in the paddock, then be there), You need to do something about this. If not, you ladies will be in that captivity for the rest of your life. Please librate yourself. It’s really fantastic to be mentally independent. Why do we talk of change while we are doing nothing about it, please if we need change in our society then we should be part of the change we want.
Our brothers from the western world are so supportive towards women and girls child education and you the wives have the upper hand of being taken to school. It’s just a matter of showing interest and politely present your request to the head of the family (husband) and everything will be discus depending with the family priorities.
To my brothers, “educate the girl and you’ll have educated the society”.
I know you have a lot of responsibilities but please have in mind that “One hand does not clap itself “, kindly invest in your wives too and I’m sure they will be able to support you in the near future, in case of life certainties, your children will be in good hands and on the safe side.
Surely, I know some of you are doing great in terms of educating your loved one. Just be hopeful knowing that things will look great at the end of it all.
My dear loving sisters your education matters a lot in your life so be humble enough and stop competing among yourselves over petty petty things like decorating the Kenyans and Ugandan houses, buying fancy clothes and attending party after party, this luxurious life is taking you nowhere.
Kindly think of what you will bring back home because you will definitely come back home one day and the development of this young nation needs you and me so please develop your brains and be a better person that can face the world in different dimensions of life.
Anyway, not all of you who have the chances, but for the privilege one please do the necessary, there are some good causes that you can do while you still take care of your children and the family at large. You can not be in east Africa for 10 years and above, then you come back with nothing not even secondary Education certificate. Kindly come back with knowledge and capabilities.
I believe good number of our brothers from the western world had really invested in us in terms of education and they are still doing it continuously. If we attend classes the same way we attend musicians show and birthday parties, …
… I’m sure after 5–10 years South Sudan will be heaven on earth with all the smart women who are economically, spiritually and mentally stable.