Empowering people through Computer Literacy
15 January 2025|Samuel Monybuk, ICT Officer JRS Maban
Empowering Refugees, IDPS & Host Community through Computer Literacy in Gendressa Camp
After recruiting about 117(106 males, 11females) Computer Course Trainees, JRS Maban Computer Course commenced on 24th January 2022 and the learning continues up to 25th April 2022. The JRS Computer Skills Tutors had to move everyday morning to the field site carrying with them 41 laptops, Projector, and a power generator.
During class sessions, we had to divide the learners in groups of 3. Some attended classes from morning hours and others at afternoon hours. Each class had about 40 trainees. Some came far distances and we had to help them return home with the help of our JRS vehicles especially the one carrying their young babies and babysitters. It was so interesting to see young and adults so eager to learn this new technology that they had never seen before. At first two weeks, they had to complain about wrists pain due to keyboard typing we had introduced them to begin with. They were also shown computer hardware & software applications during the Computer Essentials which is module one under ICDL. Module one takes about one month since the learners are new to the computer parts.
Module two which is Microsoft Word and mainly a hands-on practical module had to take three weeks. The learners admired different Menu Tabs with different functions under each. Under Home & Insert Menu which are the key tabs in MS Word, they had to learned many formatting tool bars such as clipboard (paste, cut, format Painter), font(font, font size, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, increase & decrease font size, change case, subscript & superscript, clear all formatting, font color) paragraph(alignments, bullets, numbering, indentation, sort, shading, borders), styles, tables, pages, pictures, page numbers, header & footer, watermark, page color, page borders etc
In module three which is Microsoft Excel, the learners had to learn various in-built Excel functions that involved a lot of calculations under arithmetic & statistics. Functions & Operators such as Minus, multiplication, division, addition, COUNT (), COUNTBLANK (), COUNTA (), Maximum, Minimum, average, sorting & filtering, various charts etc.
Under Module four was Microsoft PowerPoint in which the learners learned how to present their documents using a computer and presenting it to the viewers using a projector. They under to modify their presentation to look appealing to the viewers. Features such as design background, transitions, animations, slideshow etc were applied.
The advanced computer course was also offered to those who had learnt basic Computer Skill levels in previous trainings of 2021. They had to learnt advanced features in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access and then most importantly they were transported to JRS Compound to learn internet and printer usage. Under the module of internet & printing, the advanced class had to create their emails accounts and other social media accounts such as Facebook, WhatsApp, how to search certain sites on google chrome & Firefox, printer set up, printing, scanning, photocopying and how to load printer paper tray etc.
The training was completed on 25th April 2022 and the two levels of Computer course were issued certificates of Basics and Advanced Computer Course which were issued on 10th June 2022 accompanied by a closing ceremony attended by Camp leaderships, CRA, Payam Administrator of Jinkuata, ACTED Representative and JRS field staff. JRS received a lot of appreciations from Camp leaders and host community leaders and urged JRS to continue providing computer literacy to their needy communities.
JRS Computer course Programme will in future introduce photoshopping where the learners at advanced will be given skills on how to edit photos, videos, audios etc and this will enhance the learners to open their own photo studio that will bring them some income. Also, there is a plan to open internet centers in the camp and this will motivate a lot of learners as it will facilitate their communication with the outside world. We also have a plan of introducing computer literacy to the primary schools of St. Mark and Hufra and this will target primary Six and five.